Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Inch by inch, row by row . . .

. . . so go the words of the beautiful "Garden Song" by David Mallet -- and so goes the process of laying down our vegetable garden.

Thanks to J&M Eco-Landscaping we are on our way. They started by taking out the grass and laying down some mesh to prevent the good organic soil we will use from washing down into the sandy soil below. In a few days we will add the border and irrigation system.

We want to give our vegetables the best possible start and we will continue adding nourishment with our own compost as the year progresses.

The anticipation of eating from my own garden has me almost giddy with excitement and at the same time I am reminded of the patience I must develop as I watch my garden grow.

Nature is such a perfect teacher. As we worked in the garden on Sunday, I saw shoots of daffodils and irises coming up. The inevitability of seeing green shoots in the Spring reminds me that growth seems so effortless for plants and yet we humans seem to struggle so much to grow. A tomato doesn't worry about what it might become or what it might achieve. It doesn't think about growing, it just grows.

Spending time in the garden is for me a perfect meditation. While I prepare the soil and take care of the plants and seeds I put in the ground, I become quiet and patient, and when I connect with nature in those unique moments I find a key to the truth of who I really am.

Friday, March 20, 2009

And the Garden Grows

Today, in addition to starting my blog, I joined Facebook. What an adventure!!

I've decided that since I find a lot of my inspiration in my garden, I've begun by adding a Garden Photo Album to my Facebook page. It shows before and after pictures of the work my husband and I have been doing in our garden over the years. Little bit by little bit, we add some new features each year.

This year we will be adding a vegetable garden. Juan from J&M Eco-Landscaping is helping us. He specializes in organic landscaping and gardening. I love the idea of growing my own vegetables and not using any pesticides or chemicals in the process. Juan uses completely natural products that are safe for my garden and the environment.

Check back here to watch the progress.

By the way - if you like Juan's website, let me know.

Fresh Start - New Beginning

Today is the first day of Spring, 2009. It is also the first day of my blogging life. I sit in my studio, watching the robins peck at my lawn looking for a feast while I peck away at my mind to dislodge the fear and anxiety that has, until today, kept me from starting this blog.

So here goes, no more procrastination!! As the robin builds a nest, I build my blog.

For years, I've been studying and absorbing teachings on spirituality and
inspiration and I feel compelled now to share my understanding and the inspiring thoughts that come to me. Spirituality for me is not merely a new idea that has become a trend in society, it is a commitment to be conscious of every thought and action in every part of my life. I may not always be the successful at this, but my commitment is to strive towards full consciousness.

As I've stated in my website, "I believe that the space we occupy in the world, physically and spiritually, is more powerful than most of us understand."
And, as we begin to understand this, we must learn to make conscious choices in every area of our lives - be it - cooking, gardening, cleaning our home, shopping for a new car or new furniture, or picking out a gift for a friend. Everything we do involves making choices. We can make conscious choices or unconscious choices. We may not always be able to choose exactly what we want or need, but we can begin the process of being thoughtful about how we choose when we realize that the whole world benefits when we make a conscious choice.

I also believe we have a spark of divine light inside that is fed when we make a conscious choice. Sometimes we need inspiration to find that light within and encouragement to let it shine out. That is why I began
BODHI LEAF ONLINE -- a sanctuary of inspiration and transformation. My intention is for it to be a place for you to rest your mind, with the intention of helping you find your own inner wisdom.

I invite you to explore Bodhi Leaf Online, and to join me in my blog where I will be sharing information that I have found useful and inspiring. It might be a great recipe or garden idea or a website that provides great tips and information or services that I believe are helpful.

Offering Inspired Solutions is my passion. It has been for years. One of my greatest joys is to watch another soul unfold their highest potential.